Bribery Act 2010

I can confirm that H. E. Services (Plant Hire) Limited has fully assessed the
risk of bribery. This company has always had a zero-tolerance policy with
respect to bribery and continues to do so. I would advise that the following
has been put in place to date:

Issued guidance to all levels of management.
Trained all relevant UK employees on the Act
Included coverage of the Act in employee inductions
Updated our Terms and Conditions of Employment

Modern Slavery Act 2015

Whist H. E. SERVICES (Plant Hire) Ltd do fully support the modern slavery
act we do not have a full written policy as we are not required to do so.
H. E. SERVICES has procedures in place that will identify & prevent Child
labour & mistreatment or exploitation of our employees we have clear
guideline on how this should be dealt with. We ask our suppliers to confirm
their compliance to the act.
We hope you find this acceptable but should you require any further
information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Clare Luscombe
Financial Director & Head of HR
H. E. Services (Plant Hire) Limited